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  1.   1 Education of Henry Adams                                
  2.   2 Oration of Aeschines against Ctesiphon                  
  3.   3 Agamemnon                                               
  4.   3 Choephori                                               
  5.   3 Eumenides                                               
  6.   3 Persians                                                
  7.   3 Prometheus Bound                                        
  8.   3 Seven Against Thebes                                    
  9.   3 Suppliants                                              
  10.   4 Androcles and the Lion                                  
  11.   4 Ant and the Chrysalis                                   
  12.   4 Ant and the Grasshopper                                 
  13.   4 Ass and his Purchaser                                   
  14.   4 Cage Bird and the Bat                                   
  15.   4 Crow and the Pitcher                                    
  16.   4 Dog and the Shadow                                      
  17.   4 Dove and the Ant                                        
  18.   4 Fox and the Goat                                        
  19.   4 Fox and the Mask                                        
  20.   4 Frogs and the Well                                      
  21.   4 Hare and the Tortoise                                   
  22.   4 Hercules and Pallas                                     
  23.   4 Hercules and the Wagoner                                
  24.   4 Little Boy and Fortune                                  
  25.   4 Lost Wig                                                
  26.   4 Mercury and the Woodman                                 
  27.   4 Milkmaid and her Pail                                   
  28.   4 North Wind and the Sun                                  
  29.   4 Old Man and Death                                       
  30.   4 Rose and the Amaranth                                   
  31.   4 Serpent and the Eagle                                   
  32.   4 Shepherd Boy                                            
  33.   4 Shipwrecked Imposter                                    
  34.   4 Silkworm and Spider                                     
  35.   4 Town Mouse and the Country Mouse                        
  36.   4 Two Crabs                                               
  37.   4 Two Fellows and the Bear                                
  38.   4 Vain Jackdaw                                            
  39.   4 Vixen and the Lioness                                   
  40.   6 Little Men                                              
  41.   6 Little Women                                            
  42.   7 Angel                                                   
  43.   7 Anne Lisbeth                                            
  44.   7 Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind                       
  45.   7 Beetle Who Went on His Travels                          
  46.   7 Bell                                                    
  47.   7 Bell-Deep                                               
  48.   7 Bird of Popular Song                                    
  49.   7 Bishop of Borglum and His Warriors                      
  50.   7 Bottle Neck                                             
  51.   7 Brave Tin Soldier                                       
  52.   7 Buckwheat                                               
  53.   7 Butterfly                                               
  54.   7 By the Almshouse Window                                 
  55.   7 Cheerful Temper                                         
  56.   7 Child in the Grave                                      
  57.   7 Children's Prattle                                      
  58.   7 Conceited Apple-Branch                                  
  59.   7 Daisy                                                   
  60.   7 Darning-Needle                                          
  61.   7 Delaying Is Not Forgetting                              
  62.   7 Drop of Water                                           
  63.   7 Dryad                                                   
  64.   7 Dumb Book                                               
  65.   7 Elf of the Rose                                         
  66.   7 Elfin Hill                                              
  67.   7 Emperor's New Suit                                      
  68.   7 Everything in the Right Place                           
  69.   7 Farm-yard Cock and the Weather-Cock                     
  70.   7 Fir-Tree                                                
  71.   7 Flax                                                    
  72.   7 Flying Trunk                                            
  73.   7 Garden of Paradise                                      
  74.   7 Girl Who Trod on the Loaf                               
  75.   7 Goblin and the Huckster                                 
  76.   7 Golden Treasure                                         
  77.   7 Goloshes of Fortune                                     
  78.   7 Grandmother                                             
  79.   7 Great Grief                                             
  80.   7 Happy Family                                            
  81.   7 Holger Danske                                           
  82.   7 Ib and Little Christina                                 
  83.   7 Ice Maiden                                              
  84.   7 In a Thousand Years                                     
  85.   7 In the Nursery                                          
  86.   7 In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea                       
  87.   7 Jack the Dullard                                        
  88.   7 Jewish Maiden                                           
  89.   7 Jumper                                                  
  90.   7 Last Dream of the Old Oak                               
  91.   7 Last Pearl                                              
  92.   7 Leaf from Heaven                                        
  93.   7 Little Claus and Big Claus                              
  94.   7 Little Elder-Tree Mother                                
  95.   7 Little Ida's Flowers                                    
  96.   7 Little Match-Seller                                     
  97.   7 Little Mermaid                                          
  98.   7 Little Tiny or Thumbelina                               
  99.   7 Little Tuk                                              
  100.   7 Loveliest Rose in the World                             
  101.   7 Mail-Coach Passengers                                   
  102.   7 Marsh King's Daughter                                   
  103.   7 Metal Pig                                               
  104.   7 Money-Box                                               
  105.   7 Neighbouring Families                                   
  106.   7 Nightingale                                             
  107.   7 Old Bachelor's Nightcap                                 
  108.   7 Old Church Bell                                         
  109.   7 Old Grave-stone                                         
  110.   7 Old House                                               
  111.   7 Old Street Lamp                                         
  112.   7 Ole the Tower-Keeper                                    
  113.   7 Ole-Luk-Oie The Dream-God                               
  114.   7 Our Aunt                                                
  115.   7 Pea Blossom                                             
  116.   7 Pen and the Inkstand                                    
  117.   7 Philosopher's Stone                                     
  118.   7 Phoenix Bird                                            
  119.   7 Porter's Son                                            
  120.   7 Portuguese Duck                                         
  121.   7 Poultry Meg's Family                                    
  122.   7 Princess and the Pea                                    
  123.   7 Psyche                                                  
  124.   7 Puppet-show Man                                         
  125.   7 Races                                                   
  126.   7 Red Shoes                                               
  127.   7 Rose from Homer's Grave                                 
  128.   7 Saucy Boy                                               
  129.   7 Shadow                                                  
  130.   7 She was Good for Nothing                                
  131.   7 Shepherd's Story of the Bond of Friendship              
  132.   7 Shepherdess and the Sheep                               
  133.   7 Shirt-Collar                                            
  134.   7 Silver Shilling                                         
  135.   7 Snail and the Rose-Tree                                 
  136.   7 Snow Man                                                
  137.   7 Snow Queen                                              
  138.   7 Snowdrop                                                
  139.   7 Something                                               
  140.   7 Soup from a Sausage Skewer                              
  141.   7 Storks                                                  
  142.   7 Storm Shakes the Shield                                 
  143.   7 Story                                                   
  144.   7 Story from the Sand-hills                               
  145.   7 Story of a Mother                                       
  146.   7 Story of the Wind                                       
  147.   7 Story of the Year                                       
  148.   7 Sunbeam and the Captive                                 
  149.   7 Swan's Nest                                             
  150.   7 Swineherd                                               
  151.   7 There is No Doubt About it                              
  152.   7 Thistle's Experiences                                   
  153.   7 Thorny Road of Honor                                    
  154.   7 Tinder-Box                                              
  155.   7 Toad                                                    
  156.   7 Top and Ball                                            
  157.   7 Travelling Companion                                    
  158.   7 Two Brothers                                            
  159.   7 Two Maidens                                             
  160.   7 Ugly Duckling                                           
  161.   7 Under the Willow-Tree                                   
  162.   7 What One Can Invent                                     
  163.   7 What the Moon Saw                                       
  164.   7 What the Old Man Does Is Always Right                   
  165.   7 Wicked Prince                                           
  166.   7 Wild Swans                                              
  167.   7 Will-o'-the-Wisp is in the Town                         
  168.   7 Windmill                                                
  169.   8 O Western Wind                                          
  170.   9 Beowulf (Germany)                                       
  171.   9 Nibelungenlied                                          
  172.  10 Orlando Furioso                                         
  173.  11 Acharnians                                              
  174.  11 Birds                                                   
  175.  11 Clouds                                                  
  176.  11 Ecclesiazusae                                           
  177.  11 Frogs                                                   
  178.  11 Knights                                                 
  179.  11 Lysistrata                                              
  180.  11 Peace                                                   
  181.  11 Plutus                                                  
  182.  11 Thesmophoriazusae                                       
  183.  11 Wasps                                                   
  184.  12 Athenian Constitution                                   
  185.  12 Categories                                              
  186.  12 Dreams (Aristotle)                                      
  187.  12 Gait of Animals                                         
  188.  12 Generation and Corruption                               
  189.  12 Generation of Animals                                   
  190.  12 Heavens                                                 
  191.  12 History of Animals                                      
  192.  12 Interpretation                                          
  193.  12 Longevity and Shortness of Life                         
  194.  12 Memory and Reminiscence                                 
  195.  12 Metaphysics                                             
  196.  12 Meteorology                                             
  197.  12 Motion of Animals                                       
  198.  12 Nicomachean Ethics                                      
  199.  12 Parts of Animals                                        
  200.  12 Physics                                                 
  201.  12 Poetics                                                 
  202.  12 Politics                                                
  203.  12 Posterior Analytics                                     
  204.  12 Prior Analytics                                         
  205.  12 Prophesying by Dreams                                   
  206.  12 Rhetoric                                                
  207.  12 Sense and the Sensible                                  
  208.  12 Sleep and Sleeplessness                                 
  209.  12 Sophistical Refutations                                 
  210.  12 Soul                                                    
  211.  12 Topics                                                  
  212.  12 Youth and Old Age                                       
  213.  13 Dover Beach                                             
  214.  14 Confessions (Augustine)                                 
  215.  15 Meditations                                             
  216.  16 Pride and Prejudice                                     
  217.  16 Sense and Sensibility                                   
  218.  17 Essays (Bacon)                                          
  219.  18 Peter Pan                                               
  220.  19 That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen           
  221.  19 The Law                                                 
  222.  20 Wizard of Oz                                            
  223.  21 Oroonoko or the Royal Slave                             
  224.  21 Rover                                                   
  225.  21 Willing Mistriss                                        
  226.  22 Principles of Human Knowledge                           
  227.  23 And Did Those Feet                                      
  228.  23 Auguries of Innocence                                   
  229.  23 Divine Image                                            
  230.  23 Holy Thursday                                           
  231.  23 London                                                  
  232.  23 Poison Tree                                             
  233.  23 Song: How Sweet I Roamed from Field to Field            
  234.  23 Tyger                                                   
  235.  24 Decameron                                               
  236.  25 Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.                            
  237.  26 To My Dear And Loving Husband                           
  238.  27 Jane Eyre                                               
  239.  28 Wuthering Heights                                       
  240.  29 Soldier                                                 
  241.  30 How Do I Love Thee?                                     
  242.  30 If Thou Must Love Me                                    
  243.  31 Home-Thoughts From Abroad                               
  244.  31 My Last Duchess                                         
  245.  31 Porphyria's Lover                                       
  246.  31 Prospice                                                
  247.  31 Rabbi Ben Ezra                                          
  248.  31 Song (From Pippa Passes)                                
  249.  32 African Chief                                           
  250.  32 After a Tempest                                         
  251.  32 Aged Pastor                                             
  252.  32 Ages                                                    
  253.  32 Among the Trees                                         
  254.  32 Antiquity of Freedom                                    
  255.  32 Arctic Lover                                            
  256.  32 Autumn Woods                                            
  257.  32 Battle-Field                                            
  258.  32 Bee in the Tar-Barrel                                   
  259.  32 Blessed Are They That Mourn                             
  260.  32 Broken and a Contrite Heart                             
  261.  32 Burial of Love                                          
  262.  32 Burial-Place                                            
  263.  32 Captive Loosed                                          
  264.  32 Catterskill Falls                                       
  265.  32 Centennial Hymn                                         
  266.  32 Child's Funeral                                         
  267.  32 Christmas in 1875                                       
  268.  32 Cloud on the Way                                        
  269.  32 Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus                        
  270.  32 Conqueror's Grave                                       
  271.  32 Constellations                                          
  272.  32 Consumption                                             
  273.  32 Crowded Street                                          
  274.  32 Damsel of Peru                                          
  275.  32 Dante                                                   
  276.  32 Day-Dream                                               
  277.  32 Death of Channing                                       
  278.  32 Death of Lincoln                                        
  279.  32 Death of Slavery                                        
  280.  32 Death of the Flowers                                    
  281.  32 Disinterred Warrior                                     
  282.  32 Dream                                                   
  283.  32 Earth                                                   
  284.  32 Earth Is Full of Thy Riches                             
  285.  32 Earth's Children Cleave to Earth                        
  286.  32 Embargo                                                 
  287.  32 Evening Revery                                          
  288.  32 Evening Wind                                            
  289.  32 Except the Lord Build the House                         
  290.  32 Farewell                                                
  291.  32 Firmament                                               
  292.  32 For the Fourth of July                                  
  293.  32 Forest Hymn                                             
  294.  32 Fountain                                                
  295.  32 Freeman's Hymn                                          
  296.  32 Genius of Columbia                                      
  297.  32 Gladness of Nature                                      
  298.  32 Greek Boy                                               
  299.  32 Greek Partisan                                          
  300.  32 Green Mountain Boys                                     
  301.  32 Green River                                             
  302.  32 His Mother Kept All These Sayings in Her Heart          
  303.  32 His Tender Mercies Are Over All His Works               
  304.  32 How Amiable Are Thy Tabernacles!                        
  305.  32 Hunter of the Prairies                                  
  306.  32 Hunter's Serenade                                       
  307.  32 Hunter's Vision                                         
  308.  32 Hurricane                                               
  309.  32 Hymn of the City                                        
  310.  32 Hymn of the Sea                                         
  311.  32 Hymn of the Waldenses                                   
  312.  32 Hymn to Death                                           
  313.  32 Hymn to the North Star                                  
  314.  32 I Broke the Spell That Held Me Long                     
  315.  32 I Cannot Forget with What Fervid Devotion               
  316.  32 I Will Send Them Prophets and Apostles                  
  317.  32 In Memoriam                                             
  318.  32 In Memory of William Leggett                            
  319.  32 Indian Girl's Lament                                    
  320.  32 Indian Story                                            
  321.  32 Indian at the Burial-Place of His Fathers               
  322.  32 Innocent Child and Snow-White Flower                    
  323.  32 Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood                  
  324.  32 Invitation to the Country                               
  325.  32 Italy                                                   
  326.  32 Journey of Life                                         
  327.  32 June                                                    
  328.  32 Knight's Epitaph                                        
  329.  32 Land of Dreams                                          
  330.  32 Legend of the Delawares                                 
  331.  32 Life                                                    
  332.  32 Life That Is                                            
  333.  32 Living Lost                                             
  334.  32 Lord Giveth Wisdom                                      
  335.  32 Maiden's Sorrow                                         
  336.  32 March                                                   
  337.  32 Massacre at Scio                                        
  338.  32 May Evening                                             
  339.  32 May Sun Sheds an Amber Light                            
  340.  32 Meditation on Rhode Island Coal                         
  341.  32 Midsummer                                               
  342.  32 Monument Mountain                                       
  343.  32 Mother's Hymn                                           
  344.  32 Murdered Traveller                                      
  345.  32 Mutation                                                
  346.  32 My Autumn Walk                                          
  347.  32 New Moon                                                
  348.  32 New and the Old                                         
  349.  32 Night Journey of a River                                
  350.  32 No Man Knoweth His Sepulchre                            
  351.  32 Noon                                                    
  352.  32 Not Yet                                                 
  353.  32 November                                                
  354.  32 October                                                 
  355.  32 October 1866                                            
  356.  32 Ode for an Agricultural Celebration                     
  357.  32 Ode to Connecticut River                                
  358.  32 Oh Fairest of the Rural Maids                           
  359.  32 Oh Mother of a Mighty Race                              
  360.  32 Old Man's Counsel                                       
  361.  32 Old Man's Funeral                                       
  362.  32 Order of Nature                                         
  363.  32 Other Sheep I Have Which Are Not of This Fold           
  364.  32 Our Country's Call                                      
  365.  32 Painted Cup                                             
  366.  32 Past                                                    
  367.  32 Pastor's Return                                         
  368.  32 Path                                                    
  369.  32 Planting of the Apple-Tree                              
  370.  32 Poet                                                    
  371.  32 Prairies                                                
  372.  32 Presentiment                                            
  373.  32 Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land                    
  374.  32 Rain-Dream                                              
  375.  32 Rats and Mice                                           
  376.  32 Receive Thy Sight                                       
  377.  32 Return of Youth                                         
  378.  32 Return of the Birds                                     
  379.  32 Rivulet                                                 
  380.  32 Rizpah                                                  
  381.  32 Robert of Lincoln                                       
  382.  32 Romero                                                  
  383.  32 Scene on the Banks of the Hudson                        
  384.  32 Seventy-Six                                             
  385.  32 Sick-Bed                                                
  386.  32 Snow-Shower                                             
  387.  32 Song ("Dost thou idly ask to hear")                     
  388.  32 Song ("Soon as the glazed and gleaming snow")           
  389.  32 Song ("These prairies glow with flowers")               
  390.  32 Song for New-Year's Eve                                 
  391.  32 Song of Marion's Men                                    
  392.  32 Song of Pitcairn's Island                               
  393.  32 Song of the Greek Amazon                                
  394.  32 Song of the Sower                                       
  395.  32 Song of the Stars                                       
  396.  32 Spring in Town                                          
  397.  32 Star of Bethlehem                                       
  398.  32 Strange Lady                                            
  399.  32 Stream of Life                                          
  400.  32 Summer Ramble                                           
  401.  32 Summer Wind                                             
  402.  32 Thanatopsis                                             
  403.  32 Thanatopsis (Early Version)                             
  404.  32 Third of November 1861                                  
  405.  32 This Do in Remembrance of Me                            
  406.  32 Thou God Seest Me                                       
  407.  32 Thou Hast Put All Things under His Feet                 
  408.  32 Thy Word Is Truth                                       
  409.  32 Tides                                                   
  410.  32 To Cole the Painter Departing for Europe                
  411.  32 To Death                                                
  412.  32 To a Cloud                                              
  413.  32 To a Mosquito                                           
  414.  32 To a Waterfowl                                          
  415.  32 To the Apennines                                        
  416.  32 To the Fringed Gentian                                  
  417.  32 To the River Arve                                       
  418.  32 Tree-Burial                                             
  419.  32 Truth Shall Make You Free                               
  420.  32 Twenty-Seventh of March                                 
  421.  32 Two Graves                                              
  422.  32 Two Travellers                                          
  423.  32 Unknown Way                                             
  424.  32 Upon the Mountain's Distant Head                        
  425.  32 Voice of Autumn                                         
  426.  32 Walk at Sunset                                          
  427.  32 Waning Moon                                             
  428.  32 West Wind                                               
  429.  32 Whatsoever He Sayeth Unto You Do It                     
  430.  32 White-Footed Deer                                       
  431.  32 William Tell                                            
  432.  32 Wind and Stream                                         
  433.  32 Winds                                                   
  434.  32 Winter Piece                                            
  435.  32 Yellow Violet                                           
  436.  34 Age of Chivalry                                         
  437.  34 Age of Fable                                            
  438.  34 Legends of Charlemagne                                  
  439.  35 Last Days of Pompeii                                    
  440.  36 Reflections on the Revolution in France                 
  441.  37 Red Red Rose                                            
  442.  37 Sweet Afton                                             
  443.  38 Tales from the Arabian Nights                           
  444.  39 Way of All Flesh                                        
  445.  40 Don Juan                                                
  446.  40 On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year             
  447.  40 She Walks In Beauty                                     
  448.  40 So We'll Go No More A Roving                            
  449.  42 Acrostic: "Are you deaf Father William?"                
  450.  42 Acrostic: Around my lonely hearth to-night              
  451.  42 Acrostic: Little maidens                                
  452.  42 Acrostic: Love-lighted eyes that will not start         
  453.  42 Acrostic: Maiden though thy heart may quail             
  454.  42 Acrostic: Maidens! if you love the tale                 
  455.  42 After Three Days                                        
  456.  42 Alice in Wonderland                                     
  457.  42 As It Fell Upon a Day                                   
  458.  42 Atalanta in Camden-Town                                 
  459.  42 Beatrice                                                
  460.  42 Brother and Sister                                      
  461.  42 Coronach                                                
  462.  42 Double Acrostic: I sing a place                         
  463.  42 Double Acrostic: Two little girls                       
  464.  42 Echoes                                                  
  465.  42 Faces in the Fire                                       
  466.  42 Facts                                                   
  467.  42 Fame's Penny-Trumpet                                    
  468.  42 Four Riddles                                            
  469.  42 Game of Fives                                           
  470.  42 Hiawatha's Photographing                                
  471.  42 Horrors                                                 
  472.  42 Hunting of the Snark                                    
  473.  42 Lady of the Ladle                                       
  474.  42 Lang Coortin'                                           
  475.  42 Lays of Mystery Imagination and Humour                  
  476.  42 Lesson in Latin                                         
  477.  42 Limerick                                                
  478.  42 Love among the Roses                                    
  479.  42 Lyceum                                                  
  480.  42 Madrigal                                                
  481.  42 Maggie B__                                              
  482.  42 Maggie's Visit to Oxford                                
  483.  42 Majesty of Justice                                      
  484.  42 Melancholetta                                           
  485.  42 Melodies                                                
  486.  42 Misunderstandings                                       
  487.  42 Mock Turtle's Song (Early version)                      
  488.  42 My Fairy                                                
  489.  42 My Fancy                                                
  490.  42 Nursery Darling                                         
  491.  42 Ode to Damon                                            
  492.  42 Only a Woman's Hair                                     
  493.  42 Path of Roses                                           
  494.  42 Phantasmagoria                                          
  495.  42 Photography Extraordinary                               
  496.  42 Poeta Fit non Nascitur                                  
  497.  42 Puck Lost and Found                                     
  498.  42 Punctuality                                             
  499.  42 Puzzle                                                  
  500.  42 Puzzles from Wonderland                                 
  501.  42 Rhyme? and Reason?                                      
  502.  42 Riddle                                                  
  503.  42 Rules and Regulations                                   
  504.  42 Sailor's Wife                                           
  505.  42 Sea Dirge                                               
  506.  42 Size and Tears                                          
  507.  42 Solitude                                                
  508.  42 Stolen Waters                                           
  509.  42 Sylvie and Bruno                                        
  510.  42 Sylvie and Bruno Concluded                              
  511.  42 Tangled Tale                                            
  512.  42 Theme with Variations                                   
  513.  42 Those Horrid Hurdy-Gurdies!                             
  514.  42 Three Children                                          
  515.  42 Three Little Maids                                      
  516.  42 Three Sunsets                                           
  517.  42 Three Voices                                            
  518.  42 Through the Looking-Glass                               
  519.  42 To M. A. B.                                             
  520.  42 To my Child-Friend                                      
  521.  42 To three puzzled little Girls                           
  522.  42 Two Acrostics                                           
  523.  42 Two Brothers                                            
  524.  42 Two Poems to Rachel Daniel                              
  525.  42 Two Thieves                                             
  526.  42 Valentine                                               
  527.  42 Valley of the Shadow of Death                           
  528.  42 Willow-Tree                                             
  529.  42 Ye Carpette Knyghte                                     
  530.  43 O Pioneers!                                             
  531.  44 Don Quixote                                             
  532.  45 Canon's Yeoman's Prologue                               
  533.  45 Canon's Yeoman's Tale                                   
  534.  45 Clerk's Prologue                                        
  535.  45 Clerk's Tale                                            
  536.  45 Cook's Prologue                                         
  537.  45 Cook's Tale                                             
  538.  45 Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale                         
  539.  45 Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale                     
  540.  45 Franklin's Prologue                                     
  541.  45 Franklin's Tale                                         
  542.  45 Friar's Prologue                                        
  543.  45 Friar's Tale                                            
  544.  45 Here the Maker of this Book Takes his Leave             
  545.  45 Introduction to the Lawyer's Prologue                   
  546.  45 Knight's Tale                                           
  547.  45 Lawyer's Prologue                                       
  548.  45 Lawyer's Tale                                           
  549.  45 Manciple's Prologue                                     
  550.  45 Manciple's Tale                                         
  551.  45 Merchant's Prologue                                     
  552.  45 Merchant's Tale                                         
  553.  45 Miller's Prologue                                       
  554.  45 Miller's Tale                                           
  555.  45 Monk's Prologue                                         
  556.  45 Monk's Tale                                             
  557.  45 Nun's Priest's Tale                                     
  558.  45 Pardoner's Tale                                         
  559.  45 Parson's Prologue                                       
  560.  45 Parson's Tale                                           
  561.  45 Physician's Tale                                        
  562.  45 Prioress' Prologue                                      
  563.  45 Prioress' Tale                                          
  564.  45 Prologue                                                
  565.  45 Prologue of the Pardoner's Tale                         
  566.  45 Prologue to Melibeus                                    
  567.  45 Prologue to Sir Thopas                                  
  568.  45 Prologue to the Nun's Priest's Tale                     
  569.  45 Reeve's Prologue                                        
  570.  45 Reeve's Tale                                            
  571.  45 Sailor's Prologue                                       
  572.  45 Sailor's Tale                                           
  573.  45 Second Nun's Prologue                                   
  574.  45 Second Nun's Tale                                       
  575.  45 Sir Thopas                                              
  576.  45 Squire's Prologue                                       
  577.  45 Squire's Tale                                           
  578.  45 Summoner's Prologue                                     
  579.  45 Summoner's Tale                                         
  580.  45 Tale of Melibeus                                        
  581.  45 Wife of Bath's Prologue                                 
  582.  45 Wife of Bath's Tale                                     
  583.  45 Words of the Franklin                                   
  584.  45 Words of the Host                                       
  585.  46 Cato; or An Essay on Old Age                            
  586.  46 First Oration Against Catiline                          
  587.  46 First Oration Against Marcus Antonius                   
  588.  46 Fourth Oration Against Catiline                         
  589.  46 Laelius; or An Essay on Friendship                      
  590.  46 Last Oration Against Marcus Antonius                    
  591.  46 Ninth Oration Against Marcus Antonius                   
  592.  46 Offices                                                 
  593.  46 Oration in Defence of Publius Sylla                     
  594.  46 Prosecution of Verres                                   
  595.  46 Second Oration Against Catiline                         
  596.  46 Second Oration Against Marcus Antonius                  
  597.  46 Select Letters to Several Friends                       
  598.  46 Speech in Behalf of King Deiotarus                      
  599.  46 Speech in Behalf of Marcus Claudius Marcellus           
  600.  46 Speech in Defence of Aulus Licinius Archias             
  601.  46 Speech in Defence of Caius Rabirius Postumus            
  602.  46 Speech in Defence of Quintus Ligarius                   
  603.  46 Speech in Defence of Titus Annius Milo                  
  604.  46 Speech in Defence of the Proposed Manilian Law          
  605.  46 Third Oration Against Catiline                          
  606.  47 Christabel                                              
  607.  47 Kubla Khan or A Vision in a Dream                       
  608.  47 Rime of the Ancient Mariner                             
  609.  48 Moonstone                                               
  610.  48 Woman in White                                          
  611.  49 Pinocchio: The Adventures of a Puppet                   
  612.  50 Analects                                                
  613.  50 Doctrine of the Mean                                    
  614.  50 Great Learning                                          
  615.  51 Mourning Bride                                          
  616.  51 Way of the World                                        
  617.  52 Heart of Darkness                                       
  618.  52 Lord Jim                                                
  619.  52 Secret Sharer                                           
  620.  53 Deerslayer                                              
  621.  53 Pathfinder                                              
  622.  54 Black Riders and Other Lines                            
  623.  54 Blue Hotel                                              
  624.  54 Red Badge of Courage                                    
  625.  54 War is Kind and Other Lines                             
  626.  55 Two Years Before the Mast                               
  627.  57 Inferno                                                 
  628.  57 Paradise                                                
  629.  57 Purgatory                                               
  630.  58 Descent of Man                                          
  631.  58 Origin of Species                                       
  632.  58 Voyage of the Beagle                                    
  633.  59 Robinson Crusoe                                         
  634.  60 First Olynthiac Oration                                 
  635.  60 First Philippic                                         
  636.  60 Fourth Philippic                                        
  637.  60 Oration for the Liberty of the Rhodians                 
  638.  60 Oration on the Classes                                  
  639.  60 Oration on the Crown                                    
  640.  60 Oration on the Letter (Philip's Letter to the Athenians)
  641.  60 Oration on the Peace                                    
  642.  60 Oration on the Regulation of the State                  
  643.  60 Oration on the State of the Chersonesus                 
  644.  60 Oration on the Treaty with Alexander                    
  645.  60 Second Olynthiac Oration                                
  646.  60 Second Philippic                                        
  647.  60 Third Olynthiac Oration                                 
  648.  60 Third Philippic                                         
  649.  61 Discourse on the Method                                 
  650.  61 Meditations on the First Philosophy                     
  651.  62 David Copperfield                                       
  652.  62 Great Expectations                                      
  653.  62 Hard Times                                              
  654.  62 Oliver Twist                                            
  655.  62 Tale of Two Cities                                      
  656.  63 Poems                                                   
  657.  63 Poems: Second Series                                    
  658.  63 Poems: Third Series                                     
  659.  63 Single Hound                                            
  660.  64 Death Be Not Proud                                      
  661.  64 Ecstasy                                                 
  662.  64 Love's Usury                                            
  663.  64 Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star                       
  664.  64 To His Mistress Going To Bed                            
  665.  65 Brothers Karamazov                                      
  666.  65 Crime and Punishment                                    
  667.  66 Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae             
  668.  66 Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare Longam       
  669.  67 Abbey Grange                                            
  670.  67 Beryl Coronet                                           
  671.  67 Black Peter                                             
  672.  67 Blanched Soldier                                        
  673.  67 Blue Carbuncle                                          
  674.  67 Boscombe Valley Mystery                                 
  675.  67 Bruce-Partington Plans                                  
  676.  67 Cardboard Box                                           
  677.  67 Case of Identity                                        
  678.  67 Charles Augustus Milverton                              
  679.  67 Copper Beeches                                          
  680.  67 Creeping Man                                            
  681.  67 Crooked Man                                             
  682.  67 Dancing Men                                             
  683.  67 Devil's Foot                                            
  684.  67 Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax                    
  685.  67 Dying Detective                                         
  686.  67 Empty House                                             
  687.  67 Engineer's Thumb                                        
  688.  67 Final Problem                                           
  689.  67 Five Orange Pips                                        
  690.  67 Gloria Scott                                            
  691.  67 Golden Pince-Nez                                        
  692.  67 Greek Interpreter                                       
  693.  67 His Last Bow                                            
  694.  67 Hound of the Baskervilles                               
  695.  67 Illustrious Client                                      
  696.  67 Lion's Mane                                             
  697.  67 Lost World                                              
  698.  67 Man with the Twisted Lip                                
  699.  67 Mazarin Stone                                           
  700.  67 Missing Three-Quarter                                   
  701.  67 Musgrave Ritual                                         
  702.  67 Naval Treaty                                            
  703.  67 Noble Bachelor                                          
  704.  67 Norwood Builder                                         
  705.  67 Priory School                                           
  706.  67 Problem of Thor Bridge                                  
  707.  67 Red Circle                                              
  708.  67 Red-Headed League                                       
  709.  67 Reigate Puzzle                                          
  710.  67 Resident Patient                                        
  711.  67 Retired Colourman                                       
  712.  67 Scandal in Bohemia                                      
  713.  67 Second Stain                                            
  714.  67 Shoscombe Old Place                                     
  715.  67 Sign of Four                                            
  716.  67 Silver Blaze                                            
  717.  67 Six Napoleons                                           
  718.  67 Solitary Cyclist                                        
  719.  67 Speckled Band                                           
  720.  67 Stock-Broker's Clerk                                    
  721.  67 Study in Scarlet                                        
  722.  67 Sussex Vampire                                          
  723.  67 Three Gables                                            
  724.  67 Three Garridebs                                         
  725.  67 Three Students                                          
  726.  67 Valley of Fear                                          
  727.  67 Veiled Lodger                                           
  728.  67 Wisteria Lodge                                          
  729.  67 Yellow Face                                             
  730.  68 Sister Carrie                                           
  731.  69 Engines of Creation                                     
  732.  70 All for Love                                            
  733.  70 Song For St. Cecilia's Day                              
  734.  71 Man in the Iron Mask                                    
  735.  71 Three Musketeers                                        
  736.  71 Twenty Years After                                      
  737.  72 Silas Marner                                            
  738.  73 Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock                         
  739.  75 Brahma                                                  
  740.  75 Concord Hymn                                            
  741.  75 Representative Men                                      
  742.  76 Discourses                                              
  743.  77 Praise of Folly                                         
  744.  78 Alcestis                                                
  745.  78 Andromache                                              
  746.  78 Bacchae                                                 
  747.  78 Cyclops                                                 
  748.  78 Electra (Euripides)                                     
  749.  78 Hecuba                                                  
  750.  78 Helen                                                   
  751.  78 Heracleidae                                             
  752.  78 Heracles Mad                                            
  753.  78 Hippolytus                                              
  754.  78 Ion (Euripides)                                         
  755.  78 Iphigenia Among the Tauri                               
  756.  78 Iphigenia at Aulis                                      
  757.  78 Medea                                                   
  758.  78 Orestes                                                 
  759.  78 Phoenician Women                                        
  760.  78 Rhesus                                                  
  761.  78 Suppliants (Euripides)                                  
  762.  78 Trojan Women                                            
  763.  80 Tom Jones                                               
  764.  81 Book of Kings (Epic of Kings)                           
  765.  83 Madame Bovary                                           
  766.  84 House by the Side of the Road                           
  767.  85 Penguin Island                                          
  768.  86 Interpretation of Dreams                                
  769.  87 After Apple-Picking                                     
  770.  87 Birches                                                 
  771.  87 Mending Wall                                            
  772.  87 Road Not Taken                                          
  773.  88 On the Natural Faculties                                
  774.  89 Faust                                                   
  775.  91 Wind in the Willows                                     
  776.  92 Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard                  
  777.  92 On a Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes      
  778.  93 Aged Mother                                             
  779.  93 Beam                                                    
  780.  93 Bearskin                                                
  781.  93 Bittern and the Hoopoe                                  
  782.  93 Blue Light                                              
  783.  93 Boots of Buffalo Leather                                
  784.  93 Bremen Town Musicians                                   
  785.  93 Brides on Trial                                         
  786.  93 Bright Sun Brings It to Light                           
  787.  93 Brother Frolick                                         
  788.  93 Brother and Sister                                      
  789.  93 Cat and the Mouse in Partnership                        
  790.  93 Cinderella                                              
  791.  93 Clever Else                                             
  792.  93 Clever Gretel                                           
  793.  93 Crumbs on the Table                                     
  794.  93 Crystal Ball                                            
  795.  93 Cunning Little Tailor                                   
  796.  93 Death of the Hen                                        
  797.  93 Death's Messengers                                      
  798.  93 Devil and His Grandmother                               
  799.  93 Devil's Sooty Brother                                   
  800.  93 Devil's Three Gold Hairs                                
  801.  93 Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders                               
  802.  93 Doctor Knowall                                          
  803.  93 Dog and the Sparrow                                     
  804.  93 Domestic Servants                                       
  805.  93 Donkey                                                  
  806.  93 Donkey Cabbages                                         
  807.  93 Drummer                                                 
  808.  93 Duration of Life                                        
  809.  93 Ear of Corn                                             
  810.  93 Elf                                                     
  811.  93 Elves                                                   
  812.  93 Eve's Various Children                                  
  813.  93 Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie                     
  814.  93 Faithful John                                           
  815.  93 Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful     
  816.  93 Fisherman and His Wife                                  
  817.  93 Fitcher's Bird                                          
  818.  93 Flail from Heaven                                       
  819.  93 Foundling Bird                                          
  820.  93 Four Skilful Brothers                                   
  821.  93 Fox and the Cat                                         
  822.  93 Fox and the Geese                                       
  823.  93 Fox and the Horse                                       
  824.  93 Fred and Kate                                           
  825.  93 Frog Prince                                             
  826.  93 Gallant Tailor                                          
  827.  93 Gambling Hansel                                         
  828.  93 Giant and the Tailor                                    
  829.  93 Glass Coffin                                            
  830.  93 God's Food                                              
  831.  93 Godfather Death                                         
  832.  93 Going Traveling                                         
  833.  93 Gold Children                                           
  834.  93 Golden Bird                                             
  835.  93 Golden Goose                                            
  836.  93 Golden Key                                              
  837.  93 Good Bargain                                            
  838.  93 Goose-Girl                                              
  839.  93 Goose-Girl at the Well                                  
  840.  93 Gossip Wolf and the Fox                                 
  841.  93 Grave Mound                                             
  842.  93 Griffin                                                 
  843.  93 Hans Married                                            
  844.  93 Hans in Luck                                            
  845.  93 Hans the Hedgehog                                       
  846.  93 Hansel and Gretel                                       
  847.  93 Hare and the Hedgehog                                   
  848.  93 Hazel Branch                                            
  849.  93 Heavenly Wedding                                        
  850.  93 How Mrs. Fox Married Again                              
  851.  93 Hut in the Forest                                       
  852.  93 Iron John                                               
  853.  93 Iron Stove                                              
  854.  93 Jew Among Thorns                                        
  855.  93 Jorinda and Joringel                                    
  856.  93 Juniper Tree                                            
  857.  93 King Thrushbeard                                        
  858.  93 King of the Golden Mountain                             
  859.  93 King's Son Who Feared Nothing                           
  860.  93 Knapsack the Hat and the Horn                           
  861.  93 Knoist and His Three Sons                               
  862.  93 Lambkin and the Little Fish                             
  863.  93 Lazy Harry                                              
  864.  93 Lazy Spinner                                            
  865.  93 Lean Lisa                                               
  866.  93 Little Farmer                                           
  867.  93 Little Folks' Presents                                  
  868.  93 Little Red Riding Hood                                  
  869.  93 Lord's Animals and the Devil's                          
  870.  93 Maid Maleen                                             
  871.  93 Maid of Brakel                                          
  872.  93 Maiden Without Hands                                    
  873.  93 Master Pfriem                                           
  874.  93 Master-Thief                                            
  875.  93 Moon                                                    
  876.  93 Mother Hulda                                            
  877.  93 Mouse the Bird and the Sausage                          
  878.  93 Mr. Korbes                                              
  879.  93 Nail                                                    
  880.  93 Nixie of the Mill-Pond                                  
  881.  93 Odds and Ends                                           
  882.  93 Old Beggar-Woman                                        
  883.  93 Old Grandfather's Corner                                
  884.  93 Old Hildebrand                                          
  885.  93 Old Man Made Young Again                                
  886.  93 Old Rinkrank                                            
  887.  93 Old Sultan                                              
  888.  93 Old Witch                                               
  889.  93 Old Woman in the Wood                                   
  890.  93 One-Eye Two-Eyes and Three-Eyes                         
  891.  93 Our Lady's Child                                        
  892.  93 Our Lady's Little Glass                                 
  893.  93 Owl                                                     
  894.  93 Peasant and the Devil                                   
  895.  93 Peasant in Heaven                                       
  896.  93 Peasant's Wise Daughter                                 
  897.  93 Pink                                                    
  898.  93 Poor Boy in the Grave                                   
  899.  93 Poor Man and the Rich Man                               
  900.  93 Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat                           
  901.  93 Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven                     
  902.  93 Princess in Disguise                                    
  903.  93 Prudent Hans                                            
  904.  93 Queen Bee                                               
  905.  93 Rabbit's Bride                                          
  906.  93 Rapunzel                                                
  907.  93 Raven                                                   
  908.  93 Riddle                                                  
  909.  93 Riddling Tale                                           
  910.  93 Robber Bridegroom                                       
  911.  93 Rogue and His Master                                    
  912.  93 Rose                                                    
  913.  93 Rumpelstiltskin                                         
  914.  93 Sea-Hare                                                
  915.  93 Seven Ravens                                            
  916.  93 Seven Swabians                                          
  917.  93 Sharing Joy and Sorrow                                  
  918.  93 Shepherd Boy                                            
  919.  93 Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces                        
  920.  93 Shroud                                                  
  921.  93 Simeli Mountain                                         
  922.  93 Singing Bone                                            
  923.  93 Singing Soaring Lark                                    
  924.  93 Six Servants                                            
  925.  93 Six Soldiers of Fortune                                 
  926.  93 Six Swans                                               
  927.  93 Skilful Huntsman                                        
  928.  93 Sleeping Beauty                                         
  929.  93 Snow-White and Rose-Red                                 
  930.  93 Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs                         
  931.  93 Sole                                                    
  932.  93 Sparrow and His Four Children                           
  933.  93 Spider and the Flea                                     
  934.  93 Spindle the Shuttle and the Needle                      
  935.  93 Spirit in the Bottle                                    
  936.  93 St. Joseph in the Forest                                
  937.  93 Star Money                                              
  938.  93 Stolen Pennies                                          
  939.  93 Story of Schlauraffen Land                              
  940.  93 Straw the Coal and the Bean                             
  941.  93 Strong Hans                                             
  942.  93 Sweet Porridge                                          
  943.  93 Sweetheart Roland                                       
  944.  93 Table the Ass and the Stick                             
  945.  93 Tailor in Heaven                                        
  946.  93 Tales of Snakes                                         
  947.  93 Three Apprentices                                       
  948.  93 Three Army Surgeons                                     
  949.  93 Three Black Princesses                                  
  950.  93 Three Brothers                                          
  951.  93 Three Children of Fortune                               
  952.  93 Three Feathers                                          
  953.  93 Three Green Twigs                                       
  954.  93 Three Languages                                         
  955.  93 Three Little Birds                                      
  956.  93 Three Little Men in the Wood                            
  957.  93 Three Sluggards                                         
  958.  93 Three Snake-Leaves                                      
  959.  93 Three Spinners                                          
  960.  93 Tom Thumb                                               
  961.  93 Tom Thumb's Travels                                     
  962.  93 True Bride                                              
  963.  93 Turnip                                                  
  964.  93 Twelve Apostles                                         
  965.  93 Twelve Brothers                                         
  966.  93 Twelve Huntsmen                                         
  967.  93 Twelve Idle Servants                                    
  968.  93 Twin Brothers                                           
  969.  93 Two Kings' Children                                     
  970.  93 Two Travelers                                           
  971.  93 Ungrateful Son                                          
  972.  93 Vagabonds                                               
  973.  93 Water Sprite                                            
  974.  93 Water of Life                                           
  975.  93 White Bride and the Black Bride                         
  976.  93 White Snake                                             
  977.  93 Wilful Child                                            
  978.  93 Willow-Wren                                             
  979.  93 Willow-Wren and the Bear                                
  980.  93 Wise Folks                                              
  981.  93 Wise Servant                                            
  982.  93 Wolf and the Fox                                        
  983.  93 Wolf and the Man                                        
  984.  93 Wolf and the Seven Little Kids                          
  985.  93 Wonderful Glass                                         
  986.  93 Wonderful Musician                                      
  987.  93 Young Giant                                             
  988.  93 Youth Who Could Not Shiver and Shake                    
  989.  94 King Solomon's Mines                                    
  990.  94 She                                                     
  991.  95 Man He Killed                                           
  992.  95 Mayor of Casterbridge                                   
  993.  95 Return of the Native                                    
  994.  95 Ruined Maid                                             
  995.  95 Tess of the D'Urbervilles                               
  996.  96 Alice Doane's Appeal                                    
  997.  96 Ambitious Guest                                         
  998.  96 Artist of the Beautiful                                 
  999.  96 Birthmark                                               
  1000.  96 Celestial Railroad                                      
  1001.  96 Doctor Heidegger's Experiment                           
  1002.  96 Earth's Holocaust                                       
  1003.  96 Egotism or The Bosom Serpent                            
  1004.  96 Ethan Brand                                             
  1005.  96 Feathertop: A Moralized Legend                          
  1006.  96 Great Stone Face                                        
  1007.  96 Haunted Mind                                            
  1008.  96 Hollow of the Three Hills                               
  1009.  96 House of the Seven Gables                               
  1010.  96 Lady Eleanore's Mantle                                  
  1011.  96 Maypole of Merry Mount                                  
  1012.  96 Minister's Black Veil                                   
  1013.  96 Mr Higginbotham's Catastrophe                           
  1014.  96 My Kinsman Major Molineux                               
  1015.  96 Old Esther Dudley                                       
  1016.  96 Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure                            
  1017.  96 Prophetic Pictures                                      
  1018.  96 Rappaccini's Daughter                                   
  1019.  96 Scarlet Letter                                          
  1020.  96 Snow-Image: A Childish Miracle                          
  1021.  96 Wedding Knell                                           
  1022.  96 Young Goodman Brown                                     
  1023.  98 Homes of England                                        
  1024. 100 Invictus                                                
  1025. 101 History of Herodotus                                    
  1026. 102 To the Virgins To Make Much of Time                     
  1027. 102 Upon Julia's Clothes                                    
  1028. 104 Aphorisms                                               
  1029. 104 Book of Prognostics                                     
  1030. 104 Instruments of Reduction                                
  1031. 104 Law                                                     
  1032. 104 Oath                                                    
  1033. 104 Of Injuries of the Head                                 
  1034. 104 Of the Epidemics                                        
  1035. 104 On Airs Waters and Places                               
  1036. 104 On Ancient Medicine                                     
  1037. 104 On Fistulae                                             
  1038. 104 On Fractures                                            
  1039. 104 On Hemorrhoids                                          
  1040. 104 On Regimen in Acute Diseases                            
  1041. 104 On Ulcers                                               
  1042. 104 On the Articulations                                    
  1043. 104 On the Sacred Disease                                   
  1044. 104 On the Surgery                                          
  1045. 105 Annexation of the Hawaiian Islands                      
  1046. 105 Articles of Capitulation at Yorktown                    
  1047. 105 Articles of Confederation (US)                          
  1048. 105 Chronicle of the Cid (Spain)                            
  1049. 105 Code of Hammurabi                                       
  1050. 105 Code of Hammurabi-Commentary                            
  1051. 105 Constitution (US)                                       
  1052. 105 Convention Between U.S. and Panama                      
  1053. 105 Declaration of Independence (US)                        
  1054. 105 Declaration of Rights                                   
  1055. 105 Emancipation Proclamation                               
  1056. 105 Federalist Papers (US)                                  
  1057. 105 Fugitive Slave Act                                      
  1058. 105 Instrument of Government                                
  1059. 105 Lee's Farewell to his Army                              
  1060. 105 Lee's Surrender at Appomattox                           
  1061. 105 Magna Carta (England)                                   
  1062. 105 Mayflower Compact                                       
  1063. 105 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence                 
  1064. 105 Monroe Doctrine                                         
  1065. 105 Petition of Right                                       
  1066. 105 Recognition of the Independence of Cuba                 
  1067. 105 Treaty with France                                      
  1068. 105 Treaty with Mexico                                      
  1069. 105 Treaty with Russia                                      
  1070. 105 Treaty with Spain (1819)                                
  1071. 105 Treaty with Spain (1898)                                
  1072. 106 Leviathan                                               
  1073. 107 Iliad                                                   
  1074. 107 Odyssey                                                 
  1075. 108 Loveliest of Trees The Cherry Now                       
  1076. 108 Oh When I was in Love with You                          
  1077. 108 To an Athlete Dying Young                               
  1078. 108 When I Was One-and-Twenty                               
  1079. 108 With Rue My Heart is Laden                              
  1080. 109 Message to Garcia                                       
  1081. 110 Les Miserables                                          
  1082. 111 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding                  
  1083. 112 Abou Ben Adhem                                          
  1084. 112 Jenny Kiss'd Me                                         
  1085. 114 Doll's House                                            
  1086. 114 Hedda Gabler                                            
  1087. 114 Peer Gynt                                               
  1088. 115 Alhambra                                                
  1089. 115 Angler                                                  
  1090. 115 Art of Book-Making                                      
  1091. 115 Author's Account of Himself                             
  1092. 115 Boar's Head Tavern Eastcheap                            
  1093. 115 Broken Heart                                            
  1094. 115 Christmas                                               
  1095. 115 Christmas Day                                           
  1096. 115 Christmas Dinner                                        
  1097. 115 Christmas Eve                                           
  1098. 115 Country Church                                          
  1099. 115 English Writers on America                              
  1100. 115 Inn Kitchen                                             
  1101. 115 John Bull                                               
  1102. 115 L'Envoy                                                 
  1103. 115 Legend of Sleepy Hollow                                 
  1104. 115 Little Britain                                          
  1105. 115 London Antiques                                         
  1106. 115 Mutability of Literature                                
  1107. 115 Philip of Pokanoket                                     
  1108. 115 Pride of the Village                                    
  1109. 115 Rip Van Winkle                                          
  1110. 115 Roscoe                                                  
  1111. 115 Royal Poet                                              
  1112. 115 Rural Funerals                                          
  1113. 115 Rural Life in England                                   
  1114. 115 Spectre Bridegroom                                      
  1115. 115 Stage Coach                                             
  1116. 115 Stratford-on-Avon                                       
  1117. 115 Sunday in London                                        
  1118. 115 Traits of Indian Characters                             
  1119. 115 Voyage                                                  
  1120. 115 Westminster Abbey                                       
  1121. 115 Widow and Her Son                                       
  1122. 115 Wife                                                    
  1123. 116 Daisy Miller                                            
  1124. 116 Portrait of a Lady                                      
  1125. 116 Turn of the Screw                                       
  1126. 116 Washington Square                                       
  1127. 117 Varieties of Religious Experience                       
  1128. 118 Darwin on Trial                                         
  1129. 119 On My First Son                                         
  1130. 119 To Celia                                                
  1131. 120 I Will Fight No More Forever                            
  1132. 121 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man                   
  1133. 122 Critique of Judgement                                   
  1134. 122 Critique of Practical Reason                            
  1135. 122 Critique of Pure Reason                                 
  1136. 122 Introduction - Metaphysic of Morals                     
  1137. 122 Preface/Introduction - Metaphysical Elements            
  1138. 122 Principles of Metaphysic of Morals                      
  1139. 122 Science of Right                                        
  1140. 123 Addressed to Haydon                                     
  1141. 123 After dark vapours have oppress'd our plains            
  1142. 123 Bright star! would I were stedfast as thou art-         
  1143. 123 Character of Charles Brown                              
  1144. 123 Day is gone and all its sweets are gone!                
  1145. 123 Dedication (of Poems 1817) to Leigh Hunt Esq            
  1146. 123 Endymion: A Poetic Romance                              
  1147. 123 Eve of Saint Mark                                       
  1148. 123 Eve of St Agnes                                         
  1149. 123 Fall of Hyperion: A Dream                               
  1150. 123 Fancy                                                   
  1151. 123 For there's Bishop's teign                              
  1152. 123 Four seasons fill the measure of the year               
  1153. 123 How many bards gild the lapses of time!                 
  1154. 123 Hyperion                                                
  1155. 123 I cry your mercy- pity- love!- aye love!                
  1156. 123 I stood tip-toe upon a little hill                      
  1157. 123 If by dull rhymes our English must be chain'd           
  1158. 123 Imitation of Spenser                                    
  1159. 123 Isabella; or The Pot of Basil                           
  1160. 123 Keen fitful gusts are whisp'ring here and there         
  1161. 123 King Stephen                                            
  1162. 123 La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad                      
  1163. 123 Lamia                                                   
  1164. 123 Lines Rhymed in a Letter from Oxford                    
  1165. 123 Lines on the Mermaid Tavern                             
  1166. 123 Modern Love                                             
  1167. 123 O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell                   
  1168. 123 O thou whose face hath felt the Winter's wind           
  1169. 123 Ode (Bards of Passion and of Mirth)                     
  1170. 123 Ode on Indolence                                        
  1171. 123 Ode on Melancholy                                       
  1172. 123 Ode on a Grecian Urn                                    
  1173. 123 Ode to May                                              
  1174. 123 Ode to Psyche                                           
  1175. 123 Ode to a Nightingale                                    
  1176. 123 On Fame                                                 
  1177. 123 On First Looking into Chapman's Homer                   
  1178. 123 On Seeing the Elgin Marbles                             
  1179. 123 On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again            
  1180. 123 On Visiting the Tomb of Burns                           
  1181. 123 On a Dream                                              
  1182. 123 On a Leander Gem Which a Young Lady Gave the Author     
  1183. 123 On the Grasshopper and Cricket                          
  1184. 123 On the Sea                                              
  1185. 123 Over the hill and over the dale                         
  1186. 123 Poet                                                    
  1187. 123 Sleep and Poetry                                        
  1188. 123 Song (O blush not so!)                                  
  1189. 123 Song About Myself                                       
  1190. 123 Spenser! a jealous honourer of thine                    
  1191. 123 Stanzas (In drear-nighted December)                     
  1192. 123 This living hand now warm and capable                   
  1193. 123 To Ailsa Rock                                           
  1194. 123 To Autumn                                               
  1195. 123 To Charles Cowden Clarke                                
  1196. 123 To Homer                                                
  1197. 123 To J H Reynolds Esq                                     
  1198. 123 To Mrs Reynolds's Cat                                   
  1199. 123 To Sleep                                                
  1200. 123 To one who has been long in city pent                   
  1201. 123 To- (Time's sea hath been five years at its slow ebb)   
  1202. 123 To- (What can I do to drive away)                       
  1203. 123 Translated from Ronsard                                 
  1204. 123 When I have fears that I may cease to be                
  1205. 123 Why did I laugh to-night? No voice will tell            
  1206. 123 Written in the Cottage Where Burns Was Born             
  1207. 123 Written on the Day that Mr Leigh Hunt Left Prison       
  1208. 125 Rubaiyat                                                
  1209. 126 Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly                          
  1210. 126 Bank Fraud                                              
  1211. 126 Beginning of the Armadilloes                            
  1212. 126 Beyond the Pale                                         
  1213. 126 Bisara of Pooree                                        
  1214. 126 Bitters Neat                                            
  1215. 126 Broken-Link Handicap                                    
  1216. 126 Bronckhorst Divorce-Case                                
  1217. 126 Butterfly that Stamped                                  
  1218. 126 By Word of Mouth                                        
  1219. 126 Cat that Walked by Himself                              
  1220. 126 Consequences                                            
  1221. 126 Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin                         
  1222. 126 Crab that Played with the Sea                           
  1223. 126 Cupid's Arrows                                          
  1224. 126 Danny Deever                                            
  1225. 126 Daughter of the Regiment                                
  1226. 126 Elephant's Child                                        
  1227. 126 False Dawn                                              
  1228. 126 Friend's Friend                                         
  1229. 126 Gate of the Hundred Sorrows                             
  1230. 126 Germ-Destroyer                                          
  1231. 126 Gunga Din                                               
  1232. 126 Haunted Subalterns                                      
  1233. 126 His Chance in Life                                      
  1234. 126 His Wedded Wife                                         
  1235. 126 How the Alphabet was Made                               
  1236. 126 How the Camel got his Hump                              
  1237. 126 How the First Letter was Written                        
  1238. 126 How the Leopard got his Spots                           
  1239. 126 How the Rhinoceros got his Skin                         
  1240. 126 How the Whale got his Throat                            
  1241. 126 If                                                      
  1242. 126 In Error                                                
  1243. 126 In the House of Suddhoo                                 
  1244. 126 In the Pride of His Youth                               
  1245. 126 Jungle Book                                             
  1246. 126 Kidnapped                                               
  1247. 126 Kim                                                     
  1248. 126 L'Envoi                                                 
  1249. 126 Lispeth                                                 
  1250. 126 Madness of Private Ortheris                             
  1251. 126 Mandalay                                                
  1252. 126 Miss Youghal's Sais                                     
  1253. 126 On the Strength of a Likeness                           
  1254. 126 Other Man                                               
  1255. 126 Pig                                                     
  1256. 126 Rescue of Pluffles                                      
  1257. 126 Rout of the White Hussars                               
  1258. 126 Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo                           
  1259. 126 Story of Muhammad Din                                   
  1260. 126 Taking of Lungtungpen                                   
  1261. 126 The Second Jungle Book                                  
  1262. 126 Three And- An Extra                                     
  1263. 126 Three Musketeers                                        
  1264. 126 Thrown Away                                             
  1265. 126 To Be Filed for Reference                               
  1266. 126 Tods' Amendment                                         
  1267. 126 Tommy                                                   
  1268. 126 Venus Annodomini                                        
  1269. 126 Watches of the Night                                    
  1270. 126 Wressley of the Foreign Office                          
  1271. 126 Yoked with an Unbeliever                                
  1272. 128 Essays                                                  
  1273. 128 Essays of Elia                                          
  1274. 128 Last Essays of Elia                                     
  1275. 128 Miscellaneous Essays and Sketches                       
  1276. 128 Rosamund Gray                                           
  1277. 129 Sons and Lovers                                         
  1278. 130 New Colossus                                            
  1279. 131 Owl and the Pussy-Cat                                   
  1280. 132 To Kill a Mockingbird                                   
  1281. 133 Monadology                                              
  1282. 135 Gettysburg Address                                      
  1283. 135 Lincoln's First Inaugural Address                       
  1284. 136 Civil Government Second Essay                           
  1285. 136 Human Understanding                                     
  1286. 136 Toleration                                              
  1287. 137 Call of the Wild                                        
  1288. 137 Iron Heel                                               
  1289. 137 People of the Abyss                                     
  1290. 137 Sea Wolf                                                
  1291. 137 Son of the Wolf                                         
  1292. 137 White Fang                                              
  1293. 138 Day is Done                                             
  1294. 138 Hiawatha's Departure                                    
  1295. 138 Paul Revere's Ride                                      
  1296. 138 Village Blacksmith                                      
  1297. 139 To Althea from Prison                                   
  1298. 139 To Lucasta Going to the Wars                            
  1299. 140 On the Nature of Things                                 
  1300. 141 Prince                                                  
  1301. 142 Doctor Faustus                                          
  1302. 142 Passionate Shepherd to His Love                         
  1303. 143 To His Coy Mistress                                     
  1304. 144 Communist Manifesto                                     
  1305. 145 Bel-Ami                                                 
  1306. 146 Casey - Twenty Years Later                              
  1307. 147 Benito Cereno                                           
  1308. 147 Billy Budd                                              
  1309. 147 Moby Dick                                               
  1310. 147 Typee                                                   
  1311. 148 On Liberty                                              
  1312. 148 Representative Government                               
  1313. 148 Utilitarianism                                          
  1314. 150 Another on the Same                                     
  1315. 150 Arcades                                                 
  1316. 150 Areopagitica                                            
  1317. 150 At a Solemn Musick                                      
  1318. 150 At a Vacation Exercise                                  
  1319. 150 Comus                                                   
  1320. 150 Death of a Fair Infant                                  
  1321. 150 Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester                
  1322. 150 Fifth Ode of Horace. Lib. I                             
  1323. 150 Il Penseroso                                            
  1324. 150 L'Allegro                                               
  1325. 150 Lycidas                                                 
  1326. 150 On Shakespear                                           
  1327. 150 On Time                                                 
  1328. 150 On the Lord Gen. Fairfax                                
  1329. 150 On the Morning of Christs Nativity                      
  1330. 150 On the University Carrier                               
  1331. 150 On the new forcers of Conscience                        
  1332. 150 Paradise Lost                                           
  1333. 150 Paradise Regained                                       
  1334. 150 Paraphrase on Psalm 114                                 
  1335. 150 Passion                                                 
  1336. 150 Psalm 136                                               
  1337. 150 Psalms I-VIII LXXX-LXXXVIII                             
  1338. 150 Samson Agonistes                                        
  1339. 150 Song On May morning                                     
  1340. 150 Sonnets I & VII-XIX                                     
  1341. 150 To Mr. Cyriack Skinner Upon His Blindness               
  1342. 150 To Sr Henry Vane the younger                            
  1343. 150 To the Lord Generall Cromwell May 1652                  
  1344. 150 Upon the Circumcision                                   
  1345. 151 Essays (Montaigne)                                      
  1346. 152 Anne of Green Gables                                    
  1347. 153 Thus Spake Zarathustra                                  
  1348. 154 Highwayman                                              
  1349. 155 Scarlet Pimpernel                                       
  1350. 156 Revolt of the Masses                                    
  1351. 158 Metamorphoses                                           
  1352. 159 Age of Reason                                           
  1353. 159 American Crisis                                         
  1354. 159 Common Sense                                            
  1355. 159 Rights of Man                                           
  1356. 160 Pensees                                                 
  1357. 160 Provincial Letters                                      
  1358. 162 Philip's Letter to the Athenians                        
  1359. 163 Apology                                                 
  1360. 163 Charmides (Plato)                                       
  1361. 163 Cratylus                                                
  1362. 163 Critias                                                 
  1363. 163 Crito                                                   
  1364. 163 Euthydemos                                              
  1365. 163 Euthyphro                                               
  1366. 163 Gorgias                                                 
  1367. 163 Ion (Plato)                                             
  1368. 163 Laches                                                  
  1369. 163 Laws                                                    
  1370. 163 Lysis                                                   
  1371. 163 Meno                                                    
  1372. 163 Parmenides                                              
  1373. 163 Phaedo                                                  
  1374. 163 Phaedrus                                                
  1375. 163 Philebus                                                
  1376. 163 Protagoras                                              
  1377. 163 Republic                                                
  1378. 163 Seventh Letter                                          
  1379. 163 Sophist                                                 
  1380. 163 Statesman                                               
  1381. 163 Symposium                                               
  1382. 163 Theaetetus                                              
  1383. 163 Timaeus                                                 
  1384. 164 Six Enneads                                             
  1385. 165 Aemilius Paulus                                         
  1386. 165 Agesilaus                                               
  1387. 165 Agis                                                    
  1388. 165 Alcibiades                                              
  1389. 165 Alcibiades and Coriolanus Compared                      
  1390. 165 Alexander                                               
  1391. 165 Antony                                                  
  1392. 165 Aratus                                                  
  1393. 165 Aristides                                               
  1394. 165 Aristides and Marcus Cato Compared                      
  1395. 165 Artaxerxes                                              
  1396. 165 Caesar                                                  
  1397. 165 Caius Gracchus                                          
  1398. 165 Caius Marius                                            
  1399. 165 Camillus                                                
  1400. 165 Cato the Younger                                        
  1401. 165 Cicero                                                  
  1402. 165 Cimon                                                   
  1403. 165 Cleomenes                                               
  1404. 165 Coriolanus (Plutarch)                                   
  1405. 165 Crassus                                                 
  1406. 165 Crassus and Nicias Compared                             
  1407. 165 Demetrius                                               
  1408. 165 Demetrius and Antony Compared                           
  1409. 165 Demosthenes                                             
  1410. 165 Demosthenes and Cicero Compared                         
  1411. 165 Dion                                                    
  1412. 165 Dion and Brutus Compared                                
  1413. 165 Eumenes                                                 
  1414. 165 Fabius                                                  
  1415. 165 Fabius and Pericles Compared                            
  1416. 165 Flamininus                                              
  1417. 165 Galba                                                   
  1418. 165 Lucullus                                                
  1419. 165 Lucullus and Cimon Compared                             
  1420. 165 Lycurgus                                                
  1421. 165 Lysander                                                
  1422. 165 Lysander and Sylla Compared                             
  1423. 165 Marcellus                                               
  1424. 165 Marcus Brutus                                           
  1425. 165 Marcus Cato                                             
  1426. 165 Nicias                                                  
  1427. 165 Numa Pompilius                                          
  1428. 165 Numa and Lycurgus Compared                              
  1429. 165 Otho                                                    
  1430. 165 Pelopidas                                               
  1431. 165 Pelopidas and Marcellus Compared                        
  1432. 165 Pericles (Plutarch)                                     
  1433. 165 Philopoemen                                             
  1434. 165 Philopoemen and Flamininus Compared                     
  1435. 165 Phocion                                                 
  1436. 165 Pompey                                                  
  1437. 165 Pompey and Agesilaus Compared                           
  1438. 165 Poplicola                                               
  1439. 165 Poplicola and Solon Compared                            
  1440. 165 Pyrrhus                                                 
  1441. 165 Romulus                                                 
  1442. 165 Romulus and Theseus Compared                            
  1443. 165 Sertorius                                               
  1444. 165 Sertorius and Eumenes Compared                          
  1445. 165 Solon                                                   
  1446. 165 Sylla                                                   
  1447. 165 Themistocles                                            
  1448. 165 Theseus                                                 
  1449. 165 Tiberius Gracchus                                       
  1450. 165 Tiberius and Caius Gracchus and Agis and Cleomenes Compa
  1451. 165 Timoleon                                                
  1452. 165 Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus Compared                   
  1453. 166 Al Aaraaf                                               
  1454. 166 Alone                                                   
  1455. 166 Angel of the Odd                                        
  1456. 166 Annabel Lee                                             
  1457. 166 Assignation                                             
  1458. 166 Balloon Hoax                                            
  1459. 166 Bells                                                   
  1460. 166 Berenice                                                
  1461. 166 Black Cat                                               
  1462. 166 Bon Bon                                                 
  1463. 166 Bridal Ballad                                           
  1464. 166 Business Man                                            
  1465. 166 Cask of Amontillado                                     
  1466. 166 City in the Sea                                         
  1467. 166 Coliseum                                                
  1468. 166 Colloquy of Monos and Una                               
  1469. 166 Conqueror Worm                                          
  1470. 166 Conversation of Eiros and Charmion                      
  1471. 166 Criticism                                               
  1472. 166 Descent into the Maelstrom                              
  1473. 166 Devil in the Belfry                                     
  1474. 166 Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences        
  1475. 166 Domain of Arnheim                                       
  1476. 166 Dream                                                   
  1477. 166 Dream Within a Dream                                    
  1478. 166 Dreamland                                               
  1479. 166 Dreams (Poe)                                            
  1480. 166 Duc De L'Omlette                                        
  1481. 166 Eldorado                                                
  1482. 166 Eleonora                                                
  1483. 166 Elizabeth                                               
  1484. 166 Enigma                                                  
  1485. 166 Eulalie                                                 
  1486. 166 Eureka                                                  
  1487. 166 Evening Star                                            
  1488. 166 Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar                        
  1489. 166 Fairy-land                                              
  1490. 166 Fall of the House of Usher                              
  1491. 166 For Annie                                               
  1492. 166 Four Beasts in One                                      
  1493. 166 Gold-Bug                                                
  1494. 166 Hans Phaall                                             
  1495. 166 Happiest Day the Happiest Hour                          
  1496. 166 Haunted Palace                                          
  1497. 166 Hop Frog                                                
  1498. 166 How to Write a Blackwood Article                        
  1499. 166 Hymn                                                    
  1500. 166 Imp of the Perverse                                     
  1501. 166 Island of the Fay                                       
  1502. 166 Israfel                                                 
  1503. 166 King Pest                                               
  1504. 166 Lake: To__                                              
  1505. 166 Landor's Cottage                                        
  1506. 166 Landscape Garden                                        
  1507. 166 Lenore                                                  
  1508. 166 Ligeia                                                  
  1509. 166 Lionizing                                               
  1510. 166 Literary Life of Thingum Bob Esq                        
  1511. 166 Loss of Breath                                          
  1512. 166 MS. Found in a Bottle                                   
  1513. 166 Man of the Crowd                                        
  1514. 166 Man that was Used Up                                    
  1515. 166 Marginalia                                              
  1516. 166 Masque of the Red Death                                 
  1517. 166 Mellonta Tauta                                          
  1518. 166 Mesmeric Revelation                                     
  1519. 166 Metzengerstein                                          
  1520. 166 Morella                                                 
  1521. 166 Morning on the Wissahiccon                              
  1522. 166 Murders in the Rue Morgue                               
  1523. 166 Mystery of Marie Roget                                  
  1524. 166 Mystification                                           
  1525. 166 Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket             
  1526. 166 Never Bet the Devil Your Head                           
  1527. 166 Oblong Box                                              
  1528. 166 Oval Portrait                                           
  1529. 166 Pit and the Pendulum                                    
  1530. 166 Power of Words                                          
  1531. 166 Predicament                                             
  1532. 166 Premature Burial                                        
  1533. 166 Purloined Letter                                        
  1534. 166 Raven                                                   
  1535. 166 Romance                                                 
  1536. 166 Scenes from Politian                                    
  1537. 166 Serenade                                                
  1538. 166 Shadow -- A Parable                                     
  1539. 166 Silence -- A Fable                                      
  1540. 166 Sleeper                                                 
  1541. 166 Some Words with a Mummy                                 
  1542. 166 Song                                                    
  1543. 166 Sonnet -- Silence                                       
  1544. 166 Sonnet -- To Science                                    
  1545. 166 Sonnet -- To Zante                                      
  1546. 166 Spectacles                                              
  1547. 166 Sphinx (Poe)                                            
  1548. 166 Spirits of the Dead                                     
  1549. 166 Stanzas                                                 
  1550. 166 System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether                     
  1551. 166 Tale of Jerusalem                                       
  1552. 166 Tale of the Ragged Mountains                            
  1553. 166 Tamerlane                                               
  1554. 166 Tell-Tale Heart                                         
  1555. 166 Thou Art the Man                                        
  1556. 166 Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade                
  1557. 166 Three Sundays in a Week                                 
  1558. 166 To F_                                                   
  1559. 166 To F_s S O_d                                            
  1560. 166 To Helen (1831)                                         
  1561. 166 To Helen (1848)                                         
  1562. 166 To M.L.S.                                               
  1563. 166 To M_                                                   
  1564. 166 To My Mother                                            
  1565. 166 To One in Paradise                                      
  1566. 166 To the River__                                          
  1567. 166 To_ (1830)                                              
  1568. 166 To__ (1829)                                             
  1569. 166 Ulalume                                                 
  1570. 166 Valentine (Poe)                                         
  1571. 166 Valley of Unrest                                        
  1572. 166 Von Kempelen and His Discovery                          
  1573. 166 Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling      
  1574. 166 William Wilson                                          
  1575. 166 X-ing the Paragrab                                      
  1576. 167 An Essay on Man                                         
  1577. 168 Commission                                              
  1578. 168 Dance Figure                                            
  1579. 168 E. P. Ode Pour L'Election de Son Sepulchre              
  1580. 168 Exile's Letter                                          
  1581. 168 From Lustra                                             
  1582. 168 In a Station of the Metro                               
  1583. 168 Moeurs Contemporaines                                   
  1584. 168 Pact                                                    
  1585. 168 Portrait D'une Femme                                    
  1586. 168 River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter                         
  1587. 168 Salutation                                              
  1588. 169 History - Conquest of Mexico                            
  1589. 170 Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd                           
  1590. 171 Bhagavad Gita (Hindu)                                   
  1591. 171 Bible (King James Version) (Christian)                  
  1592. 171 Book of Mormon                                          
  1593. 171 Budda The Word                                          
  1594. 171 Buddha His Life and Teachings                           
  1595. 171 Egyptian Book of the Dead (Egyptian)                    
  1596. 171 Koran (Muslim)                                          
  1597. 171 Laws of Manu (Hindu)                                    
  1598. 171 Popol Vuh (Mayan)                                       
  1599. 171 Upanishads                                              
  1600. 173 Bold Robin Hood and His Outlaw Band                     
  1601. 174 Casey's Revenge                                         
  1602. 175 Miniver Cheevy                                          
  1603. 175 Richard Cory                                            
  1604. 176 Remember                                                
  1605. 177 Cyrano de Bergerac                                      
  1606. 178 Confessions (Rousseau)                                  
  1607. 179 Gulistan                                                
  1608. 181 I Have a Rendezvous with Death                          
  1609. 182 Shooting of Dan McGrew                                  
  1610. 183 All's Well That Ends Well                               
  1611. 183 Antony and Cleopatra                                    
  1612. 183 As You Like It                                          
  1613. 183 Comedy of Errors                                        
  1614. 183 Coriolanus (Shakespeare)                                
  1615. 183 Cymbeline                                               
  1616. 183 First Part of King Henry IV                             
  1617. 183 First Part of King Henry VI                             
  1618. 183 Hamlet Prince of Denmark                                
  1619. 183 Henry V                                                 
  1620. 183 Henry VIII                                              
  1621. 183 Julius Caesar                                           
  1622. 183 King John                                               
  1623. 183 King Lear                                               
  1624. 183 King Richard II                                         
  1625. 183 King Richard III                                        
  1626. 183 Love's Labour's Lost                                    
  1627. 183 Lover's Complaint                                       
  1628. 183 Macbeth                                                 
  1629. 183 Measure for Measure                                     
  1630. 183 Merchant of Venice                                      
  1631. 183 Merry Wives of Windsor                                  
  1632. 183 Midsummer Night's Dream                                 
  1633. 183 Much Ado About Nothing                                  
  1634. 183 Othello                                                 
  1635. 183 Passionate Pilgrim                                      
  1636. 183 Pericles (Shakespeare)                                  
  1637. 183 Phoenix and the Turtle                                  
  1638. 183 Rape of Lucrece                                         
  1639. 183 Romeo and Juliet                                        
  1640. 183 Second Part of King Henry IV                            
  1641. 183 Second Part of King Henry VI                            
  1642. 183 Sonnets                                                 
  1643. 183 Taming of the Shrew                                     
  1644. 183 Tempest                                                 
  1645. 183 Third Part of King Henry VI                             
  1646. 183 Timon of Athens                                         
  1647. 183 Titus Andronicus                                        
  1648. 183 Troilus and Cressida                                    
  1649. 183 Twelfth Night                                           
  1650. 183 Two Gentlemen of Verona                                 
  1651. 183 Venus and Adonis                                        
  1652. 183 Winter's Tale                                           
  1653. 184 Man and Superman                                        
  1654. 184 Pygmalion                                               
  1655. 185 Frankenstein                                            
  1656. 186 Love's Philosophy                                       
  1657. 186 Ode to the West Wind                                    
  1658. 186 Ozymandias                                              
  1659. 186 To a Skylark                                            
  1660. 187 School for Scandal                                      
  1661. 188 Jungle                                                  
  1662. 189 Wealth of Nations                                       
  1663. 190 Ajax                                                    
  1664. 190 Antigone                                                
  1665. 190 Electra (Sophocles)                                     
  1666. 190 Oedipus at Colonus                                      
  1667. 190 Oedipus the King                                        
  1668. 190 Philoctetes                                             
  1669. 190 Trachiniae                                              
  1670. 191 Epithalamion                                            
  1671. 191 Faerie Queen                                            
  1672. 192 Heidi                                                   
  1673. 193 Shrinking History                                       
  1674. 194 Grapes of Wrath                                         
  1675. 194 Of Mice and Men                                         
  1676. 194 Pearl                                                   
  1677. 195 Red and the Black                                       
  1678. 196 Child's Garden of Verses                                
  1679. 196 Kidnapped                                               
  1680. 196 Markheim                                                
  1681. 196 New Arabian Nights                                      
  1682. 196 Requiem                                                 
  1683. 196 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde                 
  1684. 196 Treasure Island                                         
  1685. 197 Dracula                                                 
  1686. 198 Uncle Tom's Cabin                                       
  1687. 199 Memoir of Mrs Behn                                      
  1688. 200 Gulliver's Travels                                      
  1689. 200 Modest Proposal                                         
  1690. 201 Annals                                                  
  1691. 201 Histories                                               
  1692. 202 Break Break Break                                       
  1693. 202 Charge of the Light Brigade                             
  1694. 202 Crossing the Bar                                        
  1695. 202 Flower in the Crannied Wall                             
  1696. 202 Ring Out Wild Bells                                     
  1697. 202 Sweet and Low Sweet and Low                             
  1698. 203 Casey at the Bat                                        
  1699. 204 Imitation of Christ                                     
  1700. 205 Hound of Heaven                                         
  1701. 206 Civil Disobedience                                      
  1702. 206 Life Without Principle                                  
  1703. 206 Plea for Captain John Brown                             
  1704. 206 Slavery in Massachusetts                                
  1705. 206 Walden                                                  
  1706. 207 History of the Peloponnesian War                        
  1707. 209 Anna Karenina                                           
  1708. 209 War and Peace                                           
  1709. 210 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn                          
  1710. 210 Innocents Abroad                                        
  1711. 210 Life on the Mississippi                                 
  1712. 210 Prince and the Pauper                                   
  1713. 210 Speeches                                                
  1714. 210 Tom Sawyer                                              
  1715. 211 Around the World in Eighty Days                         
  1716. 211 Journey to the Center of the Earth                      
  1717. 211 Mysterious Island                                       
  1718. 211 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea                   
  1719. 212 Aeneid                                                  
  1720. 212 Eclogues                                                
  1721. 212 Georgics                                                
  1722. 213 Candide                                                 
  1723. 215 Introduction of New Species                             
  1724. 215 Tendency of Varieties                                   
  1725. 216 Ben Hur                                                 
  1726. 218 Up From Slavery                                         
  1727. 219 Time Machine                                            
  1728. 219 War of the Worlds                                       
  1729. 220 Ethan Frome                                             
  1730. 221 Liberty and Peace                                       
  1731. 222 Leaves of Grass                                         
  1732. 223 Barbara Frietchie                                       
  1733. 224 A Woman of No Importance                                
  1734. 224 Ballad of Reading Gaol                                  
  1735. 224 Burden of Itys                                          
  1736. 224 Charmides (Wilde)                                       
  1737. 224 Eleutheria                                              
  1738. 224 Flower of Love                                          
  1739. 224 Flowers of Gold                                         
  1740. 224 Fourth Movement                                         
  1741. 224 Garden of Eros                                          
  1742. 224 Happy Prince                                            
  1743. 224 Humanitad                                               
  1744. 224 Importance of Being Earnest                             
  1745. 224 Impressions de Theatre                                  
  1746. 224 Lady Windermere's Fan                                   
  1747. 224 Miscellaneous Poems                                     
  1748. 224 Nightingale and the Rose                                
  1749. 224 Panthea                                                 
  1750. 224 Picture of Dorian Gray                                  
  1751. 224 Ravenna                                                 
  1752. 224 Rosa Mystica                                            
  1753. 224 Salome                                                  
  1754. 224 Selfish Giant                                           
  1755. 224 Sphinx (Wilde)                                          
  1756. 224 Wind Flowers                                            
  1757. 227 Vindication of the Rights of Woman                      
  1758. 228 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud                            
  1759. 228 Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey          
  1760. 228 My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold                         
  1761. 228 Ode: Intimations of Immortality                         
  1762. 228 She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways                      
  1763. 228 She Was a Phantom of Delight                            
  1764. 228 World is Too Much With Us                               
  1765. 230 Swiss Family Robinson                                   
  1766. 231 Down by the Salley Gardens                              
  1767. 231 Lake Isle of Innisfree                                  
  1768. 231 Song of Wandering Aengus                                
  1769. 231 To a Friend Whose Work has Come to Nothing              
  1770. 231 When You are Old                                        